Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Lambs Grazing

Moving into the big pen

Checking out the yard 

Free Range



And here

Over here 

And here too

Interesting greens 

Sunday, April 9, 2017


We began the day repairing a section of fence. 

This is Mama Pig, our American Guinea Hog sow that is expecting. She loves her treats and her humans. Mama follows us around as we do work on fence or critter housing.

 More following
 She loves scratches.
 And attention
 Running under the tractor for the convenient shade source. Why walk up into the woods when the tractor is conveniently located.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

American Guinea Hog

We purchased two American Guinea Hogs back in the beginning of March. A bred sow and an unrelated young boar. The sow was bred by the boar that the seller was keeping. The sow is not as friendly as we would like atm. That should come with time. The young boar is the sweetest thing you can imagine. 

They are an all black heritage breed. They are used to produce meat and cure products. Sows weigh about 150 lbs and Boars weigh about 200 lbs. Currently their status is listed as threatened. Which means there are fewer that 1,000 in the US and less than 5,000 animals estimated globally.  
Other names this breed is known by are 

  • Pineywoods Guinea

  • Guinea forest hog

  • Acorn eater
  • Yard pig

Some pictures of our Mama Pig