- Araucanas/Ameraucanas Easter Eggers
- Cochins
- Langshans
- Andalusians
- Brahmas
- Polish
- Buttercups
- Wyandottes
- Cream Legbars
- Crevecoeurs
- Cornish
- Dominiques
- Fayoumis
- Campines
- Hamburgs
- Lakenvelders
- Modern Games
- Houdans
- Rocks
- Phoenix
- Red Caps
- Leghorns
- Faverolles
- Dorkings
- Spanish
- Sussex
- Sultans
- Sumatras
- Turkens/Naked Neck
I was able to rule out several breeds as those chicks would have a puff of fur on their heads. That rules out the Houdans, Polish and Sultans. They all have neck fuzz, so there are no Turkens in this order.
Leaving us with these possibilities:
- Araucanas/Ameraucanas Easter Eggers
- Cochins
- Langshans
- Andalusians
- Brahmas
- Buttercups
- Wyandottes
- Cream Legbars
- Cornish
- Dominiques
- Fayoumis
- Campines
- Hamburgs
- Lakenvelders
- Modern Games
- Rocks
- Phoenix
- Red Caps
- Leghorns
- Faverolles
- Dorkings
- Spanish
- Sussex
- Sumatras
I have 10 with Feathered legs and 13 with clean legs. I have ruled out several of the feather legged varieties due to the 10 chicks not looking like those varieties.
Now looking at the rest of what is on the list I can make reasonable deductions on the other breeds I most likely received. That leaves us with sorting through these:
- Araucanas/Ameraucanas Easter Eggers
- Cochins
- Langshans
- Andalusians
- Brahmas
- Buttercups
- Wyandottes
- Cream Legbars
- Cornish
- Dominiques
- Fayoumis
- Campines
- Hamburgs
- Lakenvelders
- Modern Games
- Rocks
- Phoenix
- Red Caps
- Leghorns
- Faverolles
- Dorkings
Based on what my chicks look like and what pictures I found on McMurray's site I would say that these are the most likely breeds I have:
- Araucanas/Ameraucanas Easter Eggers
- Cochins
- Langshans
- Brahmas
- Cream Legbars
- Cornish
- Fayoumis
- Modern Games
- Rocks
- Phoenix
- Leghorns
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