Sunday, March 19, 2017

Working on the pig pen today

Three of our pigs decided to take a nap in the sun while watching us work on the expansion of their pen. 

The current holding pen is 32' x 32'. It is a temporary pen that is allowing us and them to get adjusted to each other. 

The boar is on the left. The other two are our gilts.  They are loving but very demanding of their treats. They do let you know when they want their treats, scratches or extra grain. 

This entire pen was just a week ago covered in grass, some brush, and vines. Now the trio of pigs have worked the soil up nicely for us to eventually reseed the area. 

An added bonus of having pigs is that they can till the soil in an area. Eventually,  just beyond that far fence line will be flowers. The flowers will be an added barrier between the road and the pigs. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Critters Today

Kevin the goat. He can be a pain in the backside. 

Blu the donkey. Another stubborn pain in the backside. He needs training. Desperately needs to be properly trained. 

Black Male lamb

Tri-colored male lamb

The girl lambs.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hair Sheep

We raise Katahdin Sheep that had some Dorper Sheep breed into the lines many generations back. These sheep are little dolls atm. When they are grown I may have a different opinion, but for now, at 6 weeks they are sweet babies. 

Adult Rams weigh 175-250 lbs. fully grown. Adult Ewes can weigh 120-160 lb. fully grown. They can be white, black, brown, red or any combination of those colors.