Friday, March 23, 2018

Clean Leg Chicks

What do you think of the possible breeds? I have narrowed it down to  Dark Cornish, Red Caps. or Golden Laced Wyandottes

This is another one that has a chance of being any of these breeds: Dark Cornish, Red Caps, or Golden Laced Wyandottes

Could be a Dark Cornish, Red Caps, or Golden Laced Wyandotte. Just have to wait a while longer to see if I can nail it down. 

Not sure about this one. May have to wait a bit longer to see if I can tell the breed in a few more weeks. 


This one is another one I can not figure out the breed. 

I am betting on this being a Cream Legbar. 

    I am guessing Cream Legbar for this one. 

      I think this one is a Phoenix

      This one could be a Phoenix or Silver Leghorns

      This one I am sure it is a Dominique.  We have two of these in this batch.

      Bantams @ 5 weeks

      I think this is a Bantam Dark Brahma.

      Not sure on this one still. Any guesses as to the breed?

      Feather Leg Chicks @ 5 weeks

      Possible Buff Brahma. This one is full of attitude.

      These are either Light Brahmas or  Silver Laced Cochins/ Could have a mix of both in here. 

      Pretty sure these are Partridge Cochins

      Tuesday, March 13, 2018

      4 Week Old Chicks

      They are feather out nicely.  Some were not all that willing to have their pictures taken and some we have found are hams. I am not sure of the breeds just yet but have a few guesses as to what we have in the brooder. 

      These could be Golden Laced Wyandotte or Gold Pencilled Hamburg

      Dark Cornish or Gold Pencilled Hamburg or even a Golden Laced Wyandotte

      I think these are Partridge Cochin

      This one may be a Maran or a Campine or an Egyptian Fayoumis or a Dominique. Should be able to tell in a few more weeks. 

      This one may be a Dorking

      This is another that could be a Dorking. 

      Could be a Maran or a Campine or an Egyptian Fayoumis or a Dominique

      I am leaning towards another Partridge Cochin.

      Not sure about this one just yet. 

      These are either Cochins or Brahmas, Will have to wait until they feather out more.

      Another one I am just not sure of and will have to wait a while longer.

      This is a Bantam Cochin. 

      This one appears to be a Cuckoo Maran or an Egyptian Fayoumis or a Dominique
      . I purposely took two pictures of this one to make sure I got a good look at the Markings.

      This one has me stumped. I do know it is a Bantam. Of the breeds I have found listed on McMurray's site I think it is most likely one of these:

      Black Tail Buff Japanese Bantam
      Ameraucana Bantam

      I really am loving this batch or chicks. It is fun and entertaining to see them grow.