Saturday, April 9, 2022

First Lambs born, Ewes and a good LGD

 Lambing has finally begun. Cara Mia was the first to lamb the year this week. As usual with our ewes, her lambs arrival were a surprise. We had checked all the girls the night before. Nobody was showing signs of being close to lambing. 

  • Bagging up  
  • Teats firming
  • Vulva slackens
  • Vulva area pinks
  • Mucus discharge
  • Slightly swollen
  • Hollowing near the hips
  • Thinner / Not as wide
  • Stops Eating or Ignores Food
  • Nesting and Pawing the ground
  • Separating from the Flock

We went out to do morning chores and found her with her two lambs. 

This is the ewe lamb Cara lambed. 

Below is Cara's little ram lamb 

They are both doing very well. Cara is a a good mom and very protective of her lambs. Anastaycia, (our one LGD) kept trying to lick and sniff the lambs. Cara would have no parts of it. She has stomped and chuffed letting Anastaycia know the lambs are off limits. Which has resulted in Anastaycia staying a bit back from them but keeping an eye on Cara and her lambs. 

The lambs have snuck off several times to investigate Anastaycia. The lambs even got her to copy their little hop jump they have been doing. Last night Cara apparently was convinced Anastaycia was safe. Cara allowed the lambs to curl up with Anastaycia during the night.